Your Username, Your Way: How to Change it in Windows Operating System


Your username is an essential part of your identity on a Windows operating system. It is the name associated with your account and appears on the login screen and various system interactions. However, there may be instances where you want or need to change your username. Whether you've recently changed your name, want to enhance your privacy, or simply prefer a new username, Windows provides a straightforward process to make this adjustment. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of changing your username in the Windows operating system.

Step 1: Accessing User Accounts Settings

To begin, we need to access the User Accounts settings in Windows. Follow these steps:

1. Press the Windows key on your keyboard or click the Windows icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen to open the Start menu.

2. From the Start menu, click on the "Settings" gear icon to open the Windows Settings.

3. In the Windows Settings window, select "Accounts" to proceed to the Accounts settings page.

4. On the left-hand side, click on "Your info" to view your account details.

windows 10 username change

Step 2: Modifying Your Username

Once you have accessed the "Your info" section, you can modify your username. Here's how:

1. Under the "Your info" section, click on the "Manage my Microsoft account" link. This will open a web browser and redirect you to the Microsoft account management page.

2. Sign in to your Microsoft account using your current credentials.

3. After signing in, navigate to the "Your info" tab or similar section, depending on the layout of the Microsoft account page.

4. Look for the option to edit your profile information or account details. This section will typically include options to edit your name, email address, and username.

5. Click on the option to edit your username and follow the on-screen instructions to enter your desired new username.

6. Once you have entered the new username, review the changes and click on the "Save" or "Apply" button to save your new username.

Step 3: Updating Windows Account Information

After modifying your username in your Microsoft account, it's important to update your Windows account settings to reflect the changes. Here's what to do:

1. Return to the Windows Settings window.

2. Select "Accounts" once again, and this time, choose the "Your info" option from the left-hand side.

3. Click on the "Sign in with a local account instead" link. This will allow you to switch from a Microsoft account to a local account, enabling you to change your username directly on your device.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new local account using your desired new username. Make sure to provide the necessary details and set a new password if required.

5. Once the local account is created, sign out of your current account and sign in to the new local account using the new username and password.

Step 4: Migrating Your Files and Settings (Optional)

If you have customized settings or files associated with your previous username, you may want to migrate them to the new account. Here's how:

1. Ensure you are signed in to the new local account with the updated username.

2. Open File Explorer by pressing the Windows key and E simultaneously.

3. Navigate to the "C:\Users" directory, where you will find a folder with your previous username.

4. Copy and paste the contents of your previous username folder (e.g., documents, pictures, downloads) into the corresponding folders of your new local account.


Changing your username in the Windows operating system is a relatively simple process that can be done through your Microsoft account settings and your local account settings. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this guide, you can update your username to reflect your preferences or personal circumstances. Remember to ensure that your new username adheres to any character limitations or naming conventions imposed by Windows. With a new username, you can personalize your Windows experience and maintain a digital identity that suits you best.

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